Dear Members,
Further to the previous email, you may have been asking yourself but who is the WOCC 2nd team Capatin
because surely Ed isn't Skippering both and you'd be right.
Well, definitely because he deserves his own email and not because of a copy paste error, the Committee
is delighted to announce that he is back for another season, the man with the loudest voice and dress
sense in the club, the man behind the Mango, Mark Fitzgerald will be the WOCC 2nd XI Captain again
this season.
The Committee wish him all the best and every success for the season ahead.
OCC Committee 2023
Dear Members,
As the start of the 2023 outdoor season approaches, we wanted to take this opportunity to confirm the
Optimists CC Captains for this year.
At the AGM, at the end of 2022, the membership elected Ed Packard to be the Club Captain. In addition
to be the Captain of the Club, Ed will be Captaining the WOCC team as well as the Club in friendly fixtures.
Additionally, Ed has joined the OCC Committee and has several other off-field responsibilities.
In addition to Ed, the Committee has appointed Girish Venkateswaran and Pankaj Malav to be the Captain's
of the OCC 1st and 2nd XI Belgian league squads, respectively. Vice Captains for the BCF squads will be
announced in due course.
In the meantime, I'm sure you will join the Committee in wishing Ed, Girish and Pankaj all the best and
every success in the upcoming season.
We look forward to seeing them and you down at the ground soon.
OCC Committee 2023