Walferdange Optimists CC is OCC's domestic club side with 2 teams in the outdoor LCF league and 1 team in the indoor LCF competition.
WOCC 1st XI is well established and has won the LCF T20 outdoor League for the last 3 years running. (2020, 2021 & 2022).
WOCC 2nd XI started in 2022 and has allowed the club to grow in size which resulted in 34 different players participating in the outdoor season of 2022.
Both teams train at our home ground on Thursday evenings from 18:30 to 21:00 depending on the time of the year. 34 Rue de l'Alzette, 7210 Walferdange, Luxembourg
Contact: Club Captain - Ed Packard (epackard@letterone.lu)