Optimists Cricket Club News story


10 Feb 2022

Dear All,

We require your action as soon as possible. You may remember that late last year we asked members to confirm where they live. This was because certain financial grants that the Club is eligible for as well potential reporting requirements are dependent on this information. As we have noted that certain profile and contact detail information for many members is either missing, incomplete or outdated, we will need members to update their information as soon as possible and imperatively before the start of the outdoor season.

To update your information, go to the website (www.optimists.cc) and log-in in the top right corner. Once logged in, click your name/drop-down box in the top right corner and select ‘Update profile’. We need all members to ensure that at least the following details are complete and correct:

‘My profile’ tab:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Photo [Optional but preferable]

‘Contact’ tab:

  • Email
  • Address
  • Mobile Phone

We must stress the importance of this data being complete and up-to-date so please carry out this action as soon as possible and please maintain this information on an ongoing basis.

On the subject of personal data, further to the email sent out by the Vice Chairman yesterday, the membership details (including membership types, applicable fees and banking details) can be found on the website along with the 2022 application form. The new form also includes the OCC GDPR Statement. This is an important document concerning your personal data. In addition to the statement being in the application form, the OCC GDPR Statement can also be found in the ‘Club Policy Documents’ section in the website.

We would like to thank all members for their support and quick action in this matter.


OCC Club Secretary