Optimists Cricket Club News story

Collecting OCC memorabilia

07 Aug 2023

Hi all, 

Optimists cricket Club was found in 1976 and the club has seen 47 seasons of cricket (and we are in our 32nd  season on our beautiful Walferdange ground). 

About 10-12 years ago, OCC website was set up and we have tried our best have the website reflect on what went on in the last couple of years with fixtures, match reports, result sheets, gallery, honours board etc. 

However there was many years of cricket beforehand and the OCC website doesn't reflect the events/achievements of the past (mainly before 2015). 

I would request all the past/current OCC members if they can find some memorabilia (past result sheets, pictures, news items, match reports, anything else). It would be great if you could scan those items and upload it in the google drive link here in a new separate folder for each event (e.g, Cricket In Pink Charity Event 12th July 2014).

Folder Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IxKtFPUZ08zVLcZNpcH-aviINCEadbTu?usp=sharing 

Once we get lots of scanned items, we would also need volunteers who could help transform and upload the data onto the website. Please get in contact with Mohit if you are interested in volunteering to get our website reflect the all 47 years of OCC.