Optimists Cricket Club News story

Save these dates!

04 Oct 2014

Dear OCC members,

We have come to the end of another cricket season, although the weather seems still suitable for cricket.

In the coming weeks we have a number of dates for your calendars:

Saturday 11 October - end of season ground clear up: starting at 10.00, all members are encouraged to join in preparing the ground, equipment and wendy house for winter. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO CLUB OR PRIVATE CRICKET KIT MAY BE LEFT IN THE WENDY HOUSE OVER WINTER. IT MUST BE REMOVED NOT LATER THAT 11 OCTOBER.

Friday 14 to Sunday 16 November - 
Training for coaches with Graeme Rickman: level 1 and 2 courses will be provided. Level 1 is the most basic level which is suitable for parents of juniors who wish to participate in junior training. Level 2 (which you can do without Level 1) is a must for more experienced cricketers who will take part in coaching cricket skills and techniques. OCC needs to build a pool of better cricketers willing to provide focused coaching to older juniors on an occasional basis throughout the year. Please let me know if you are interested.

The training will take the form of child safety training (probably on the Friday evening for both levels) and then each level will be trained over one day, probably level 1 on saturday and level 2 on sunday.

Saturday 15 November - Awards dinner for players, former players, senior juniors, parents and anyone else in the Luxembourg cricket community. This event is deliberately timed to fit in with Graeme Rickman's visit and the coaching training.

Thursday 27 November - Club Annual General Meeting: your chance to influence the running of the Club by voting on budgets, subscription and match fee levels and electing the captains and committee members you want to see in charge.

I look forward to seeing all of you at one or another of these events and take the opportunity to wish you a pleasant autumn and winter.
