Optimists Cricket Club News story

Anjugam School Project: sponsor Anvita in the Chennai marathon

24 Nov 2014

Dear All

Thanks to all the contributions received for Anjugam School Project, we have successfully managed to complete the school building, the kitchen & lunch halls for the school in Chennai India. Our daughter Anvita is attempting to raise funds for a small project to clear the school playground so that the children can play in safe surroundings and enjoy the benefits of having proper playing facilities. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, this playground will be beneficial for the overall development of these children.

Anvita is participating in the Chennai Marathon (thewiprochennaimarathon.com) that is being held on 7th December 2014 and will be attempting the 10 km run. We would be grateful if you could contribute to this cause and assist Anvita to raise the funds needed for this project. Please find below details of the accounts to which your donations can be sent:

Payments in Euro & other major currencies
Indian Association Luxembourg - Charity Account
Account Number : IBAN LU65 0021 1397 1104 1700
Banque Internationale Luxembourg (BIL)


Payments in Indian Rupees to
Anjugam Education Trust
Indian Overseas Bank
DPI Campus, College Road
Chennai - 600 006
Account Number : 8843 (for transfers made within India in Indian Rupees)
Account Number : 7891 (for overseas transfers in Indian Rupees)

The Indian Association Luxembourg continues to support the Anjugam school projects together with all other well wishers.If you need more information regarding the school , please do not hesitate to contact us.
